[Math] Misspelling the name on the mathematical publications


Perpetuating a mistake by my thesis advisor, I misspelt my name on my mathematical publications so far — any advice on what to do?

As it happens, my thesis advisor, with whom I co-authored my first paper,
misspelt my last name on that paper. He then approved the page proofs. For this reason, on that paper, my name reads
Leyli Jafari Taghvasani instead of Leyli Jafari Taghvastani.

In the sequel, in order to have all my publications under the same name, he advised me to stick
to the wrong spelling of my name, and publish all my papers under the name Leyli Jafari Taghvasani
instead of Leyli Jafari Taghvastani. I followed his advice, and published already
some more papers under my misspelt name: JafariTaghvasaniZarrin2017,
JafariTaghvasaniZarrin2018, JafariTaghvasaniMarzangZarrin2018,

My question is: what is the best way to deal with this situation?

Best Answer

People change their names for various reasons and manage to maintain the attribution of their work. Should you decide to go with the correct spelling of your name (as I would do if it were me) then you should notify MathSciNet, zbMATH, and the arXiv so they link the two names. MathSciNet at least is generally good about giving each mathematician a unique identifier, and that would help. If you make use of ORCID, then I would make sure that both names generate the same ID.