[Math] Missing document request

computational geometrymg.metric-geometryreference-request

I received a request for another long-lost document:

I am wondering if there is any way I
might obtain a copy of

The geometry of circles: Voronoi
diagrams, Moebius transformations,
convex hulls, Fortune's algorithm, the
cut locus, and parametrization of
shapes W.P. Thurston Technical Report,
Princeton University, 1986.

Is there a scanned version somewhere
or might some library stock it?

Can anyone help out?

For context: I gave a series of presentations in a EECS course with Dave Dobkin, and I wrote these notes to go with it. It was fun material at the time, but the notes were only moderately distributed.

Best Answer

Here is the .tex not quite "as-is," but modified minimally so that it will compile: DTnotes.tex. And here is .pdf produced by compiling that .tex:  DTnotes.pdf.

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