[Math] mirror symmetry with algebraic geometry


Why is it that mirror symmetry has many relations with algebraic geometry, rather than with complex geometry or differential geometry? (In other words, how is it that solutions to polynomials become relevant, given that these do not appear in the physics which motivates mirror symmetry?) I would especially appreciate nontechnical answers.

Best Answer

Here are a few scattered observations:

  • Our ability to construct examples (e.g. of CY manifolds) is limited, and the tools of algebraic geometry are perfectly suited to doing so (as has been noted).

  • Toric varieties are a source of many examples -- Batyrev-Borisov pairs -- and they are even "more" than algebraic, they're combinatorial. In fact, the whole business is really about integers in the end, so combinatorics reigns supreme.

  • The fuzziness of $A_\infty$ structures is more suited to algebraic topology rather than geometry.

  • Continuity of certain structures (which are created from counting problems) across walls, scores some points for analysis over combinatorics and algebra.

  • Elliptic curves are only "kinda" algebraic, and the mirror phenomenon there is certainly transcendental.

  • Physics indeed does not care too much about how the spaces are constructed, but (as has been noted) even the non-topological version of mirror symmetry is an equivalence of a very algebraic structure (which includes representations of superconformal algebras).

I was hoping to unify these idle thoughts into a coherent response, but I don't think I can. Maybe the algebraic geometric aspects just grew faster because the mathematics is "easier" (or at least better understood by more mathematicians): witness the slow uptake of BCOV and its antiholomorphicity within mathematics.

To respond personally: these days, I try to transfer the algebraic and symplectic structures to combinatorics so that I can hold them in my hand and try to understand them better.