Minimal Polynomial – Minimal Polynomial of cos(?/n)

algebraic-number-theorycomputer-algebrant.number-theorypolynomialssymbolic computation

I know that $\cos(\pi/n)$ is a root of the Chebyshev polynomial $(T_n + 1)$, in fact it is the largest root of that polynomial, but often that polynomial factors. For example, if $n = 2 k$ then $\cos(\pi/n)$ is the largest root of $T_k$, which is a polynomial of lower degree, and if $n = 3$ then $\cos(\pi/n)$ is a root of $2 x – 1$, again lower degree than $T_3 + 1$.

How can I compute, for a given $n$, a polynomial in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$ of minimal degree that $\cos(\pi/n)$ is a root of?

Best Answer

The minimal polynomial of $\cos(2\pi/n)$ (by William Watkins and Joel Zeitlin, The American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 100, No. 5 (May, 1993), pp. 471-474) has full clarity on this matter (just take their result for even $n$ to resolve your case).

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