[Math] Mid point with set square


Is it possible to construct the midpoint of a segment in the hyperbolic plane
using the set square only?

With the set square one can

  • draw the line through the given two points and
  • drop the perpendicular from the given point to the given line.

The following construction produce the point $X'$ which is centrally symmetric to the point $X$ with respect to point $O$.

  1. Draw line $(OX)$ and let $m$ be the line perpendicular to $(OX)$ through $O$.
  2. Draw yet two perpendicular lines $l$ and $l'$ through $O$.
  3. Find the foot point $Y$ of $X$ on $l$.
  4. Draw the line through $Y$ perpendicular to $m$ and let $Z$ be its intersection with $l'$.
  5. Finally, $X'$ is the footpoint of $Z$ on $l$.

Best Answer

I can do it if I am allowed to cheat - in axiom one for the set square (which is the axiom for the straight-edge) I'll allow one of the points to be ideal: that is, on the Gromov boundary of $H^2$. Also, I assume that the set square produces infinite geodesic rays. In particular, this means, in the second axiom, that the given point can be on the given line.

Suppose the segment $[x,y]$ is given. Draw the geodesic ray $P$, based at $x$ and perpendicular to $[x,y]$. Do the same at $y$ to get the ray $Q$, on the same side of $[x,y]$. Connect the ideal endpoint of $P$ to $y$ and the ideal endpoint of $Q$ to $x$. These new rays cross at $z$. Drop a perpendicular from $z$ to $[x,y]$ and we are done.

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