Gaussian Random Variables – Maximum Value


Let $x_1,x_2,…,x_n$ be zero mean Gaussian random variables with covariance matrix $\Sigma=(\sigma_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq n}$.

Let $m$ be the maximum of the random variables $x_{i}$

What can one say about $m$? Can we at least compute its mean and variance?

More specifically the problem that I'm interested is the following. Consider a triangular array of random variables where the $n$-th row looks like
and all the random variables are zero mean and Gaussian. Moreover,
\mathbb{Var}(x_{i}^{(n)})=1 \quad \text{for all $1\leq i\leq n$}
\mathbb{Var}(x_{i}^{(n)}x_{j}^{(n)})=\sigma_{ij}(n)\to 0\quad \text{as $n$ increases for $i\neq j$.}

Is there anything that can be said about the behavior of $m$ asymptotically?


Best Answer

If the correlations decay fast enough $\sigma_{ij}(n) = o(1/\log n)$, then the asymptotic distribution of the maximum is the same as if the variables were independent (i.e. the standard Gumbel distribution) - see:

Limit Theorems for the Maximum Term in Stationary Sequences, S.M. Berman (Ann. Math. Statist. 1964)

and also: On the asymptotic joint distribution of the sum and maximum of stationary normal random variables H.C. Ho and T. Hsing (Journal of applied probability, 1996).

For the general case (correlations decay slower or not at all) I don't know of exact results for the limit, but there is a work showing how to compute bounds on the expectation for finite $n$:

Useful Bounds on the Expected Maximum of Correlated Normal Variables, A.M. Ross (2003)

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