[Math] Mathematicians whose works were criticized by contemporaries but became widely accepted later


Gauss famously discarded Abel's proof that an algebraic equation of degree five or more cannot have a general solution (Abel himself had rejected divergent series as the work of the devil). Cantor's theory of transfinite numbers was originally regarded as so counter-intuitive—even shocking—that it encountered resistance from mathematical contemporaries such as Leopold Kronecker and Henri Poincaré and later from Hermann Weyl and L. E. J. Brouwer, while Ludwig Wittgenstein raised philosophical objections. Ramanujan's work on divergent series was rejected by three leading English mathematicians of the time before he was discovered by Hardy.

The above stories have become mathematical folklore. I would like to know the examples of other mathematicians whose works were initially criticized or rejected by contemporaries but later became widely accepted famous. I am particularly interested in modern mathematicians or lesser known mathematicians of the classical era who stories may not be as popular as those of other mathematical giants.

Best Answer

Higher homotopy groups were defined by Eduard Čech in 1932 in a paper for the International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich, but Alexandroff and Hopf thought that since they were abelian, they were obviously a rediscovery of the known case of homology and not the true generalization of the fundamental group. So they let him know his work was bunk, he withdrew his paper and, as I've heard, was so discouraged that he didn't do further work in the field. It was not until Hurewicz's work that it was realized that these higher homotopy groups, though abelian, provided essentially different information than homology. (Does anyone know the earliest space which was shown to have identical homology and fundamental group, yet different higher homotopy groups? An example is $S^2 \vee S^4$ vs $\mathbb{CP}^2$; I don't know if that is the first.)

There is some discussion on Ronnie Brown's website:

On this ground, and because it was felt that the groups must be the same as the already known homology groups, Alexandroff and Hopf persuaded Cech to withdraw his paper and only a small paragraph appeared in the Proceedings of the Congress. Three years later, however, a Dutch mathematician, W. Hurewicz, published four Notes explaining the main properties of these higher homotopy groups, but without referring to Cech's paper, so they have come to be known as the Hurewicz homotopy groups. These higher homotopy groups became very important concepts, with many people working on them, despite or even because of the difficulty of calculating them for some standard spaces. Both Alexandroff and Hopf later admitted their mistake over Cech's paper. In the 1960s, when higher homotopy groups, despite their being commutative, had become a fundamental tool in topology and geometry, Hopf told E. Dyer that it showed the error of people regarding themselves as so great they are able to know what shall be the future.

It is also mentioned on the nLab page for Homotopy Group and here on Wikipedia.