[Math] Mathematical objects whose name is a single letter


(Not research-level, but perhaps not easily answered elsewhere — you decide if MO can afford the innocent fun. If so, it should likely be “community-wiki” i.e. one object per answer.)

I am seeking stories of mathematical objects that, in context, eat out namespace because their (most usual) name literally is a letter (e.g., in calculus, $e$).

Per discussion in the comments, please rather exclude letters that are frozen out by being merely common notation ($e$ in group theory, $g$ in Riemannian geometry, whole alphabets in semisimple Lie theory), and not really the name of any single object. But include: how such (poor?) practice came about; what did or didn’t help reclaim letters (new names, new typography,…); or any good story.

Wikipedia’s disambiguation pages can suggest many ($c$, $e$, $i$, $j$, $k$, $o$, $q$, $t$, $F$, $G$, $J$, $K$, $L$, $O$, $P$, $W$, $Y$, $\mathcal O$, $\wp$, $\delta$, $\zeta$, $\eta$, $\vartheta$, $\varkappa$, $\lambda$, $\xi$, $\pi$, $\sigma$, $\tau$, $\chi$, $\mathrm B$, $\Gamma$, $\mathrm H$, $\Xi$, $\Omega$,…), but I am sure that is not all.

Best Answer

A lovely story of $\nabla$ can be found on Wikipedia

enter image description here

Introduced by Hamilton in 1837, his initial notation was ◁. Quotes from Wikipedia:

The name comes, by reason of the symbol's shape, from the Hellenistic Greek word νάβλα for a Phoenician harp, and was suggested by the encyclopedist William Robertson Smith to Peter Guthrie Tait in correspondence.


After receiving Smith's suggestion, Tait and James Clerk Maxwell referred to the operator as nabla in their extensive private correspondence; most of these references are of a humorous character. C. G. Knott's Life and Scientific Work of Peter Guthrie Tait:

It was probably this reluctance on the part of Maxwell to use the term Nabla in serious writings which prevented Tait from introducing the word earlier than he did. The one published use of the word by Maxwell is in the title to his humorous Tyndallic Ode, which is dedicated to the "Chief Musician upon Nabla," that is, Tait.