[Math] manifold structure on a space of conformal maps


I would be very grateful for any information or pointers for the following:

1) Fix an open subset $U$ of $\mathbb{CP}^1$. a) Does the set of all holomorphic maps from $U$ to $\mathbb{C}$ (with the compact-open topology) have the structure of a manifold in any sense? b) Is there even a notion of a differentiable structure, and what is the tangent space at a typical point (e.g. at the identity)? Does the subset of maps that are conformal on $U$ (i.e. have non-vanishing derivative there) inherit any sensible structure?

2) Is it possible to allow the domain $U$ to vary, e.g. is it possible to consider a collection of all maps from all possible domains (say simply connected ones)?

(I am coming across these maps in the context of conformal loop ensembles (CLEs), which are random families of (countably many, a.s.) loops in $U$, and in order to express certain constructions on these CLEs it appears that one should consider "differentiating" in the space of conformal maps.)

Many thanks!

Update. Maybe some further thoughts: If I fix $U$ to be, say, the open unit disk, then the space of holomorphic maps on $U$ certainly forms a topological vector space. Let's call it $H$. Is this a manifold in any sense (Frechet, I suppose)? Is it smooth (under which notion of differentiability)?

Next, if I restrict to those maps which are conformal on $U$, let's call this $A$, I don't seem to get a vector space; though I think $A$ is a closed subset of $H$ (in the compact-open topology), not being conformal at a point in $U$ is an open condition(?). But what can be said about the topology of $A$? Does $A$ contain a subspace which is an affine space modeled on some space of holomorphic functions? (I.e. "conformal + holomorphic = conformal"?)

Best Answer

A quick comment: I assume you want $U$ to be "non-trivial" i.e. not equal to $\mathbb{C}$ itself; if it were, then the collection of such maps should be infinite dimensional (in particular, it would contain every polynomial).

So assume that $U$ is non-trivial. I'll also assume that $U$ is simply connected, though I'm pretty sure that you can do away with this assumption. Thus $U$ is biholomorphic to the unit disc in $\mathbb{C}$, so we will assume it is the unit disc.

The holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc contain the group $G = PSL_2(\mathbb{R})$ (this is its group of automorphisms, actually). This is a real 3-manifold, so if you restrict yourself to biholomorphisms, you're good.

However, it also contains the maps $z \mapsto z^k$, and so all conjugates of these maps by $G$. There might be something more you can say about this, but I'm not at the moment sure what.

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