[Math] lways a toric isomorphism between isomorphic toric varieties


Suppose two toric varieties are isomorphic as abstract varieties. Does it follow that there exists a toric isomorphism between them?

Edit: the comments below lead me to believe that I'm using the terms "toric variety" and "toric morphism" in a non-standard way, so let me clarify. Here are the definitions I have in mind.

Definition: A toric variety is a normal variety $X$ together with (1) a dense open subvariety $T\subseteq X$, and (2) a group structure on $T$ making it a torus, such that the action of $T$ on itself extends to an action on $X$. (Note: I do not include the data of an isomorphism between $T$ and $\mathbb G_m^{\dim X}$, but only require that such an isomorphism exists.)

Definition: If $(X,T_X)$ and $(Y,T_Y)$ are toric varieties (group structures on $T_X$ and $T_Y$ implicit), a toric morphism between them is a morphism $f:X\to Y$ which restricts to a group homomorphism $f|_{T_X}:T_X\to T_Y$.

Best Answer

This is a partial answer. Let $X$ be the given abstract variety. I think the question is equivalent to asking whether all maximal tori in the group $\mathrm{Aut}(X)$ are conjugate. When $X$ is complete, this is a linear algebraic group, so all maximal tori are conjugate, and the answer is affirmative. (See Cox's famous paper on the homogeneous coordinate ring.)

If $X$ is not complete, the automorphism group may of course be infinite-dimensional, but perhaps you can argue by compactifying.

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