[Math] Looking for an introductory textbook on algebraic geometry for an undergraduate lecture course


I am now supposed to organize a tiny lecture course on algebraic geometry for undergraduate students who have an interest in this subject.

I wonder whether there are some basic algebraic geometry texts considering the level of undergraduate students who have not learnt commutative algebra or homological algebra; they just know linear algebra and basic abstract algebra.

I am looking for some textbooks which provide a lot of examples (more computations using linear algebra and calculus). Actually, I am also looking for some textbooks based on very basic mathematics but which talk a little bit about a modern view point.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

An invitation to algebraic geometry by Karen Smith is excellent; it is very intuitive, and does everything over the complex numbers. For absolute newcomers, this is probably the best introduction.

Algebraic curves by William Fulton is a classic, quite easily readable for beginners, and free available online in pdf! (He recently published the third edition on his site.)

The books by Reid, Miranda and Hulek are also good. Reid does many explicit examples.