[Math] Looking for an introduction to orbifolds


Is there any source where the basic facts about orbifolds are written and proved in full detail?
I found the article by Satake "The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for V-manifolds", but I'd like to have a more complete and modern source.

Best Answer

There is a very nice short paper by Andre Henriques: http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0112006 He explains different possible definitions of orbifolds and some relations between them. He also gives many good example.

Ieke Moerdijk also has a nice paper, but it is a bit longer and has less examples http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0203100

One should note that there are a few ways of thinking about orbifolds:

  1. As spaces which are almost like manifolds (ie instead of locally being R^n, they are locally R^n/G, G a finite group acting linearly).

  2. As a special kind of differentiable stack, equivalently they are Lie groupoids in which every point has a finite isotropy group.

The second way of thinking is the more modern approach and my references above are more in this line of thought.

In either way of thinking, they often arise as quotients X/G where G is a compact Lie group acting on a manifold X, with G acting locally freely (all stabilizers finite).