Longest Consecutive Subsequence in a Random Permutation


What is the expected length of the longest consecutive subsequence of a random permutation of the integers 1 to N? To be more precise we are looking for the longest string of consecutive integers in the permutation (disregarding where this string occurs). I believe the answer should be ~ c ln(n), but I have been unable to prove this.

Update: We are looking for the longest increasing subsequence. This is to say 9,1,5,2,7,3 has an increasing subsequence 1,2,3.

Best Answer

The purpose of this answer is to use the second moment method to make rigorous the heuristic argument of Michael Lugo. (Here is why his argument is only heuristic: If $N$ is a nonnegative integer random variable, such as the number of length-$r$ increasing consecutive sequences in a random permutation of $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, knowing that $E[N] \gg 1$ does not imply that $N$ is positive with high probability, because the large expectation could be caused by a rare event in which $N$ is very large.)

Theorem: The expected length of the longest increasing block in a random permutation of $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ is $r_0(n) + O(1)$ as $n \to \infty$, where $r_0(n)$ is the smallest positive integer such that $r_0(n)!>n$. ("Block" means consecutive subsequence $a_{i+1},a_{i+2},\ldots,a_{i+r}$ for some $i$ and $r$, with no conditions on the relative sizes of the $a_i$.)

Note: As Michael pointed out, $r_0(n)$ is of order $(\log n)/(\log \log n)$.

Proof of theorem: Let $P_r$ be the probability that there exists an increasing block of length at least $r$. The expected length of the longest increasing block is then $\sum_{r \ge 0} r(P_r-P_{r+1}) = \sum_{r \ge 1} P_r$. We will bound the latter sum from above and below.

Upper bound: The probability $P_r$ is at most the expected number of increasing blocks of length $r$, which is exactly $(n-r+1)/r!$, since for each of the $n-r+1$ values of $i$ in $\{0,\ldots,n-r\}$ the probability that $a_{i+1},\ldots,a_{i+r}$ are in increasing order is $1/r!$. Thus $P_r \le n/r!$. By comparison with a geometric series with ratio $2$, we have $\sum_{r > r_0(n)} P_r \le P_{r_0(n)} \le 1$. On the other hand $\sum_{1 \le r \le r_0(n)} P_r \le \sum_{1 \le r \le r_0(n)} 1 \le r_0(n)$, so $\sum_{r \ge 1} P_r \le r_0(n) + 1$.

Lower bound: Here we need the second moment method. For $i \in \{1,\ldots,n-r\}$, let $Z_i$ be $1$ if $a_{i+1}<a_{i+2}<\ldots<a_{i+r}$ and $a_i>a_{i+1}$, and $0$ otherwise. (The added condition $a_i>a_{i+1}$ is a trick to reduce the positive correlation between nearby $Z_i$.) The probability that $a_{i+1}<a_{i+2}<\ldots<a_{i+r}$ is $1/r!$, and the probability that this holds while $a_i>a_{i+1}$ fails is $1/(r+1)!$, so $E[Z_i]=1/r! - 1/(r+1)!$. Let $Z=\sum_{i=1}^{n-r} Z_i$, so $$E[Z]=(n-r)(1/r! - 1/(r+1)!).$$ Next we compute the second moment $E[Z^2]$ by expanding $Z^2$. If $i=j$, then $E[Z_i Z_j] = E[Z_i] = 1/r! - 1/(r+1)!$; summing this over $i$ gives less than or equal to $n/r!$. If $0<|i-j|<r$, then $E[Z_i Z_j]=0$ since the inequalities are incompatible. If $|i-j|=r$, then $E[Z_i Z_j] \le 1/r!^2$ (the latter is the probability if we drop the added condition in the definition of $Z_i$ and $Z_j$). If $|i-j|>r$, then $Z_i$ and $Z_j$ are independent, so $E[Z_i Z_j] = (1/r! - 1/(r+1)!)^2$. Summing over all $i$ and $j$ shows that $$E[Z^2] \le \frac{n}{r!} + E[Z]^2 \le \left(1 + O(r!/n) \right) E[Z]^2.$$ The second moment method gives the second inequality in $$P_r \ge \operatorname{Prob}(Z \ge 1) \ge \frac{E[Z]^2}{E[Z^2]} \ge 1 - O(r!/n).$$ If $r \le r_0(n)-2$, then $r! \le (r_0(n)-1)!/(r_0(n)-1)$, so $r!/n \le 1/(r_0(n)-1)$, so $P_r \ge 1 - O(1/r_0(n))$. Thus $$\sum_{r \ge 1} P_r \ge \sum_{r=1}^{r_0(n)-2} \left( 1 - O(1/r_0(n)) \right) = r_0(n) - O(1).$$

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