[Math] Localic locales? Towards very pointless spaces by iterated internalization.


One can think of locales as (generalizations of) topological spaces which don't necessary have (enough) points. Of course when one studies locales, one "actually" studies frames,
certain sorts of lattices, but reverses the arrows so that story has a less algebraic and more geometrical/topological flavor.

So while "localic spaces" make lack for a "sufficient" set of point, by their very nature they do have a sufficient set of "open sets" (scare quotes because these open sets arise as a primitive notion and not as actual sets of anything).

Curiosity drive us on: could one go a step further and make the open sets of locales as ghostly as locales make the points of spaces ghostly?

Let me put the question more technically (but correct me if you think now that I'm asking the wrong question): One often interprets algebraic objects such as "group objects" in sufficiently nice categories. So locales with ghostly open sets might show up as localic locales, or what amounts to the same, "coframic frames" — diagrams in the opposite category to the category of frames, specifically diagrams that define internal frames. Though such things must have at least two points (the empty set and the total space) corresponding to the nullary operations in the algebraic theory (just as a localic group must have at least one point, the identity, a priori it seems that they might have no more.

In this spirit

How would one construct interesting examples of coframic frames = localic locales?

Even if such things have few classical points, and few classical open sets, they will still have plenty of classical (open) sets of open sets.

By what formalism might one keep on going, iterating the internalization?

The previous question implicitly suggests levels of internalization indexed by natural numbers?

Could someone propose a definition for a level of internalization indexed by a limit ordinal?

Best Answer

First off, let's forget the transfinite iteration. As David said, one often interprets algebraic objects such as "group objects" in sufficiently nice categories, intending the word "group" as a cipher for any kind of algebra, so let's also say "space" for any object of any kind of "sufficiently nice" category. Monads provide a notion of "algebraic theory" that can be interpreted in any category.

So we can formulate the question more abstractly by asking for a category $S$ (whose objects we call "spaces") for which the opposite category $S^{op}$ is equivalent to the category of algebras for a monad on $S$ (and we call these algebras "frames").

This is exactly the idea behind my Abstract Stone Duality research programme, which was so called because both the duality between algebra and geometry and the "always topologize" slogan behind David's question were due to Marshall Stone.

In the ASD programme I developed this idea in the case where the adjunction between $S$ and $S^{op}$ is given by the exponential $\Sigma^{-}\dashv\Sigma^{-}$, where I write $\Sigma$ rather than Todd's 2 for the Sierpinski space. These ideas are summarised from a foundational point of view in Foundations for Computable Topology. Mathematically, the pay-off of the monadicity hypothesis was a theory of computable analysis that satisfies the Heine-Borel theorem, for which see The Dedekind Reals in Abstract Stone Duality with Andrej Bauer. This was applied to the intermediate value theorem in A Lambda Calculus for Real Analysis, which paper is the best introduction to ASD for ordinary mathematicians.

This idea works properly for Computably Based Locally Compact Spaces.

Can we do something similar taking $S$ to be the category of locales, to get back to David's question? Indeed, Steve Vickers has studied this, using his double powerlocale monad. (I find this easiest to understand as the comonad on frames that arises from the forgetful functor to dcpos.) He uses the name localic locale an object of the opposite of the category of algebras for the monad over locales (or a coalgebra for the comonad on frames), although he has also called them colocales and I like this name myself.

We therefore have the categories $L$ of locales and $C$ of colocales, where $C^{op}$ is monadic over $L$, but they are not equivalent. David may therefore ask what the iteration of this construction yields, but in fact it stops at stage 2: $L^{op}$ is also monadic over $C$.

Even so, this cannot be the end of the story, because we would like $L$ and $C$ to be subcategories of a single cartesian closed category with finite limits. Steve has used the presheaf category for this and shown that the monad is actually the double exponential in this sense. Reinhold Heckmann constructed a smaller category of equilocales. However, the structure of these two categories is far more complicated than that of equilogical spaces.

I am currently studying another categorical idea called equideductive logic, the slogan for which is "a category that lies nicely within its cartesian closed extensions". As in Steve's work, the double exponential brings you back into the smaller category, but I also ask that any subspace of an object in the smaller category (ie an equaliser targeted at any object of the larger category) also lie in the subcategory.

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