[Math] local class field theory (Norm map)


Let $K$ be a local field, for example the $p$-adic numbers. In Neukirch's book "Algebraic number theory", there is the statement: if $K$ contains the $n$-th roots of unity and if the characteristic of $K$ does not divide $n$, and we set $L=K(\sqrt[n]{K^{\times}})$, then one has $N_{L/K}(L^{\times})=K^{\times n}$.

My questions are the following, for a (finite) Galois extension $L$ of $K$:\

(1) What happens if the characteristic of $K$ divides $n$? Can one obtain an explicit form of the image of the norm of $L^\times$?\

(2) If we don't add the condition that $K$ contains the $n$-th roots of unity, what is the image of the norm operator? If $L = K(x)$, can one write it in terms of the primitive element $x$ and $K^{\times n}$?\

Best Answer

Let $L/K$ be a finite abelian extension of local fields. Although, there is no generic form for the image of the norm map, $N^{L}_K$, in practice one can follow the following procedure to determine its image.

Choose a uniformizer $\pi_L$ in $\mathcal{O}_L.$ Then $L^{\times}$ is equal to the group generated by $\pi_L$ and $\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}.$ It follows that $N^{L}_K L^{\times} = \langle N^{L}_K(\pi_L) \rangle N^{L}_K \mathcal{O}_L^{\times},$ Hence to determine $N^{L}_K L^{\times}$ it is enough to establish the image of $\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}$ under the norm mapping.

The group $N^L_K \mathcal{O}_L^{\times}$ is a subgroup of $\mathcal{O}_K^{\times}$ and by a group cohomology argument it can be shown that

$[\mathcal{O}_K^{\times}:N^{L}_K\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}] = e(L|K) = [L^{\times} : K^{\times}\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}].$

In particular, if $L/K$ is unramified, $\mathcal{O}_K^{\times} =N^{L}_K\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}$ and hence $N^{L}_K L^{\times} = \langle N^{L}_K(\pi_L) \rangle \mathcal{O}_K^{\times}.$

The norm group of a tamely ramified extension is similarly easy to deduce. Write

$$\mathcal{O}_L^{\times} = \langle \zeta_{q_L - 1} \rangle U_L$$

where $q_L$ is the residue field characteristic of $L$ and $\zeta_n$ denotes a primitive n-th root of unity. Denote the residue field of $L$ by $l$ and that of $K$ by $k,$ then

$$N^L_K(\zeta_{q_L -1}) = N^l_k(\zeta_{q_L -1})^{e(L|K)} = \zeta_{q_K -1}^{e(L|K)}.$$

As $U_K$ is a pro-$p$ group and contains the image of $U_L$ under $N^L_K,$ we have in the tamely ramified case that $U_K = N^L_K(U_L)$ else $\mathcal{O}_K^{\times}/N^{L}_K\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}$ would contain an element of $p$-power order contradicting the equality

$$[\mathcal{O}_K^{\times}:N^{L}_K\mathcal{O}_L^{\times}] = e(L|K)$$

and the fact that $L/K$ was assumed tamely ramfied. It follows in the tamely ramified case that $$N^{L}_K L^{\times} = \langle N^{L}_K(\pi_L), \zeta_{q_K -1}^{e(L|K)}\rangle U_K$$

The case of wild ramification is more difficult. But two facts are helpful. First, in the case $K$ is a p-adic field $U_K^{ap^n} \supset 1 +\mathcal{M}_K^{2ne(k|\mathbb{Q}_p) + 1}$ where $a$ and $p$ are relatively prime. Hence, it is enough to determine the image of the norm mapping in the units of $\mathcal{O}_K \mod \mathcal{M}_K^{2ne(k|\mathbb{Q}_p) + 1},$ a finite set.

Another technique is to determine the higher ramification filtration of $Gal(L/K)^{ab}.$ In practice this can be done by examining the derivatives of the irreducible polynomial of $\pi_L.$ These groups map under the inverse of the artin map to the higher unit groups. As the domain of the inverse of the artin map is $K^{\times}/N^{L}_K L^{\times}$ their sizes reveal norm indexes within the higher unit groups. For a good exposition see Serre's book Local Fields.

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