[Math] List of recently solved mathematical problems

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I'm looking for a news site for Mathematics which particularly covers recently solved mathematical problems together with the unsolved ones. Is there a good site MO users can suggest me or is my only bet just to google for them?

Best Answer

As a counter-point to my somewhat flippant previous answer (which only really applies if one is a specialist in the field), if you are looking at a field in which you are not as much a specialist in, I suggest reading the articles from the Bulletin of the AMS. The articles are designed to be fairly up-to-date and expository in nature, and often gives the state of the art in their reviews.

Of course, a similar caveat as that to Helge's answer applies: the "news" maybe several months out of date. But considering the glacial paces at which a lot of mathematical refereeing takes place, I think it is quite okay.

In the spirit of this answer, you may also find Which journals publish expository work? to be useful.