[Math] Linear algebra underlying quantum entanglement

linear algebraquantum mechanicsreference-requesttensor-products

Hope this question is appropriate. I think I saw certain claims that quantum entanglement is a certain phenomena that can be explained (or modelled) in terms of tensor products in linear algebra. I wonder if this is the case, and if yes, is there some nice mathematical source? If you have your own insight in the question, I would be very happy to learn about it.

I am asking the question because want to mention it in an undergraduate course on representation theory to cheer up students.

PS. Since the proposed suggestions are mainly books (or physics literature), I start to suspect that what I was looking for doesn't exist. I guess, I wanted some short piece of text (say 1-20 pages long), that would be additionally purely mathematical. Basically, some compression of information is needed. How to make a 5 minutes talk out of 10 books?

Best Answer

Many introductory books on quantum information theory go over the linear algebraic tools necessary to study the topic, including the tensor product (since it indeed models quantum entanglement). Taking the tensor product of two or more quantum states (pieces of quantum information) is analogous to forming a bitstring out of two or more bits (pieces of classical information).

I'll summarize some references that go into this topic below.

Quantum information books:

Linear algebra books:

Survey papers: