[Math] Line bundles over Kähler–Hodge manifolds


A Kähler–Hodge manifold $M$ can be defined as a Kähler manifold whose Kähler form $\omega$ is integral, namely $\omega\in H^{2}(M,\mathbb{Z})$. It is known then that there always exists a Hermitian line bundle $L\to M$ whose Chern class satisfies $c_{1}(L) = [\omega]$. I have the following questions:

  • Does anyone know a reference where the statements above are proven?

  • How can this line bundle $L$, given a particular integral Kähler form $\omega$, be explicitly constructed?

  • What happens if $\omega$ is not integral? Can one still construct some kind of $\mathbb{R}$-bundle whose curvature is $\omega$?


Best Answer

At least when $M$ is compact, which I assume here, the standard reference for this subject is probably the book

  • Algebraic Geometry, Griffiths & Harris

but the following books are excellent references as well :

A proof could run as follows:

  • Hodge's theorem implies that there exists a complex line bundle $L$ on $M$ with first Chern class $c_1(L)=\omega$;
  • Endow $L$ with an hermitian metric $(L,\|\cdot\|_0)$; its curvature form $c_1(L,\|\cdot\|_0)$ is a $(1,1)$-form cohomologous to $\omega$. By the $dd^c$-lemma, there exists a function $\phi$ such that $\omega= c_1(L,\|\cdot\|_0)+dd^c\phi$; then $\|\cdot\|=e^{-\phi}\|\cdot\|_0$ is a hermitian metric on $L$ with curvature form equal to $\omega$.

For an explicit construction of $L$: the standard proof of Hodge's theorem is cohomological, and uses a long exact sequence in cohomology. Tracing down the arguments gives an actual construction if one is given an open covering of $M$ by contractible open sets.

The arguments really require that $\omega$ be integral. A generic complex torus of dimension $>1$ carries no complex line bundle, but has many Kähler forms.

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