[Math] Let $G$ be a graph such that for all $u, v ∈ V (G)$, $u \ne v$, $|N (u) ∩ N (v )|$ is odd. Then show that the number of vertices in $G$ is odd

co.combinatoricsgraph theory

After working for sometime I figured out the following course of action. (from a few sample cases on 4 and 5 vertices)

i) I wanted to prove that the graph had no odd degree vertex.

ii) There exists at least one vertex adjacent to all other vertices.

If I can do these, then if $n = |G|$, $(n-1)$ is even – hence, $n$ is odd.

My friend told me that by considering a typical vertex and its neighbours and considering the subgraph induced on it, he has been able to prove the 1st part.

So now to prove the 2nd part, I was cosidering a vertex with maximum degree and if it does not have the above property I wanted to derive a contradiction.

But I think I am stuck.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

You've already shown that every vertex $v$ has even degree, for if it had odd degree, than look at its set of neighbors with the induced subgraph structure, $H$. $H$ has an odd number of vertices with every vertex having odd degree, which is a contradiction.

Now, consider the adjacency matrix $A$ of $G,$ where we consider a vertex to be adjacent to itself. Then the condition of $|N(u)\cap N(v)|$ being odd translates to $A^2=F,$ where $F$ is the matrix with each entry being 1. Since every vertex of $A$ has even degree, we have the identity $AF=F$. Therefore $F^2=FA^2=F$. The identity $F^2=F$ exactly means that the number of vertices is odd. This completes the proof.

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