[Math] LaTeX based document editors


I'm afraid my first question isn't a math puzzle per se, but rather question of math "presentation" . Basically I've been out of school for a year or two – so I'm a bit out of practice in writing up math papers. Recently I've found myself back at school for grad work and having to write equations again. Now I've already re-learned a good hatred for most equation editors that exist in word processors – but my "LaTex fu" is a bit weak to be writing up everything in notepad and then compiling it using LaTex. So I was wondering if anyone had found a good program to use a "friendly" interface while still being able to write LaTex style equations?

Best Answer


I suppose you are on Windows, if you are on *nix you can try it with wine.
As I've read it is good, but it is not free.

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