[Math] “large powerset axiom” so extreme that it disproves the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals


If $\kappa$ is a strongly compact cardinal, then the singular cardinal hypothesis holds above $\kappa$. Hence the existence of large cardinals at the level of "strongly compact" or above is incompatible with even (apparently) mild large powerset axioms like "$2^\kappa$ always strictly exceeds $\kappa^+.$"

This raises the question:

Is there a "large powerset axiom" $\varphi$ so extreme that $\mathrm{ZFC}+\varphi$ disproves the existence of strongly inaccessible cardinals? Let us also require that $\mathrm{ZFC}+\varphi$ does not prove $\neg \mathrm{Con}(ZFC + \varphi).$

Best Answer

Foreman's maximality principle is as you have requested, though it is not yet known if it is consistent or not.

Foreman's maximality principle: Any non-trivial forcing notion either it adds a real or colapses some cardinals.

It follows from it that:

1) $GCH$ fails everywhere,

2) there are no inaccessible cardinals.

This principle is stated in the following paper:

Foreman, Magidor, Shelah, "$0^\sharp$ and some forcing principles", J. Symbolic Logic, 51 (1986) 39-46.

See also "Questions about $\aleph_1-$closed forcing notions".