[Math] Lambda-operations on stable homotopy groups of spheres


The Barratt-Quillen-Priddy theorem says in one interpretation that there is a weak equivalence of spectra $K(FinSet) \simeq \mathbb{S}^0$. In other words K-theory groups of finite sets are the stable homotopy groups of spheres $\pi_*^s$.

If $A$ is a commutative ring, $K_0(A)$ has a simple definition as the free abelian group of projective finitely generated $A$-modules modulo exact sequences. On this group we use the exterior powers $\Lambda^k$ to get so-called Lambda-operations $\lambda^k$. These have nice properties and one can use them to alternatively construct Adams operations $\Psi^i$. This construction can be extended to all $K_n(A)$, giving $K_*(A)$ the structure of a Lambda-ring. This can found in sections II.4 and IV.5 of Weibel's book.

There is a strong analogy between finite sets and vector spaces. This tells you that an analogue of the exterior power $\Lambda^k$ is given by construction that sends a finite set $X$ to its set of $k$-element subsets ${X \choose k}$. This gives the standard Lambda-ring structure on $\mathbb{Z} = \pi_0^s$, i.e. the one on Wikipedia.

It seems that Weibel's construction of the Lambda-operations on higher K-theory groups works in this context as well. Is this correct? If so, we get $\lambda^i$ and $\Psi^i$ on the stable homotopy groups of spheres. What is known about these? Have they been used for anything?

Best Answer

You can refine this. Let's take $k=2$ to give the idea. To a based set $X$ you can associate $(X\wedge X)/X$, a based set with free action of $\Sigma_2$. This leads to an operation going from stable homotopy of $S^0$ to stable homotopy of $B\Sigma_2$, such that when followed by transfer it gives the difference between the identity and squaring.

This leads to a proof of the Kahn-Priddy Theorem, a proof due to Kahn and Priddy I believe. (EDIT: No, I guess it was Segal.)

Waldhausen adapted the same idea to prove an important result about his $A(X)$, the "vanishing of the mystery homology theory". (That's why I know about it.) This involved extending the construction of these operations from the algebraic $K$-theory of sets to the algebraic $K$-theory of spaces.