[Math] KK-theory as a stable infinity-category and KU Mod


The category KK of bivariant operator K-theory (or possibly its E-theory variant) ought to be the homotopy category of something at least close to a stable infinity-category; notably in that it carries a by now well-known triangulated category structure.

What seems like a step in the direction of establishing such a stable $\infty$-category structure is in the note

  • Michael Joachim, Stephan Stolz, An enrichment of KK-theory over the category of symmetric spectra Münster J. of Math. 2 (2009), 143–182 (pdf)

which produces

  1. an enrichment $\mathbb{KK}$ of $KK$ in symmetric spectra, in fact in KUmodule spectra;

  2. a symmetric monoidal enriched functor $\mathbb{KK} \to \mathrm{KU} Mod$.

(A partial equivariant generalization of this is given by Mitchener in arXiv:0711.2152.)

This prompts some evident questions:

  1. Does this enrichment exhibit a presentation of a stable $\infty$-category structure (or close)?

  2. How far is that functor from being homotopy full and faithful?

Has anyone thought about this? What can one say?

(I see that Mahanta has a note arXiv:1211.6576 along these lines, but not sure yet if it helps with KK.)

Best Answer

There seems to be a mistake in the construction from "An enrichment..." See http://arxiv.org/pdf/1104.3441v1 page 3. That paper gives an alternative construction of a symmetric spectrum representing (equivariant) K-theory.

Concerning question 2: the induced functor $\mathrm{KK}\to\mathrm{Der}(\mathbf{K})$ is fully faithful and strongly monoidal on the bootstrap class of Rosenberg--Schochet (the localizing subcategory generated by $\mathbb C$). It cannot be fully faithful on all of $\mathrm{KK}$ because there are counterexamples to the Universal Coefficient Theorem in $\mathrm{KK}$ but not in $\mathrm{Der}(\mathbf{K})$.

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