[Math] Kaehler differentials on a nodal curve


Suppose $C$ is an integral nodal curve with one node. It is claimed in the arxiv version of a paper by Bogomolov, Hassett, Tschinkel that the dualizing sheaf and the sheaf of differentials are related by the formula $$\Omega_C \simeq \omega_C \otimes I_p,$$ where $I_p$ is the ideal sheaf of a node: (see p.10). Is this true? I was under the impression that $\Omega_C$ has torsion at the point $p$, and that there was an exact sequence $$ 0 \to T \to \Omega_C \to \mu_* \omega_{C'} \to 0,$$
where $\mu: C' \to C$ is the normalization morphism and $T$ is a sky-scraper sheaf supported at $p$ (proof: argue locally analytically and assume $C$ is given by $st=0$). Yet we have $\mu_* \omega_{C'} \simeq \omega_C \otimes I_p$, so this would appear to be a contradiction.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

As said the OP in the comments, in $\widehat{O}_{C,p}$, the canonical map $\Omega^1\to \omega$ has a kernel $T$, isomorphic to the vector space generated by $sdt$. As $O_{C,p}\to \widehat{O}_{C,p}$ is flat, this implies that in $O_C$, the kernel of the canonical map $\Omega^1_C\to\omega_{C}$ is a vector space of dimension $1$.

On the other hands, the computations in the comments show that the image of $\Omega^1_C\to\omega$ is $\omega\otimes I_p\simeq I_p\omega$.

Edit. A concrete example with the integral nodal curve defined by $y^2=x^2(x+1)$. The differential form $(3x+2)ydx-2x(x+1)dy$ is killed by $x$ and is non-zero.

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