[Math] $j$-invariants of elliptic curves over finite fields


Let $K$ be a finite field, and $\overline{K}$ its algebraic closure. It is well known that two curves are isomorphic over $\overline{K}$ if and only if they have the same $j$-invariant. If two such curves are also $K$-isogenous, I believe we can conclude that they are $K$-isomorphic, but I cannot find any reference or elementary proof of this fact; is it easy to see, or does anyone have a reference? (it seems that this result is implicitly used in the algorithms for isogeny graphs of elliptic curves, like Kohel's, where the isogenous curves are encoded by there $j$-invariant).

As a side question, given a $j \in K$, how many curves over $K$ have this $j$-invariant, up to $K$-isomorphisms? For example, a (non-supersingular) curve and its quadratic twist both have the same $j$-invariant, but are not $K$-isogenous, so not $K$-isomorphic, so we have at least two $K$-isomorphism classes; is this it?

Best Answer

As Chris and Rene said, your second question is all about twists. See specifically The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (Springer), Proposition X.5.4, which says that if the characteristic of $K$ is not 2 or 3, then the twists of $E/K$ are in one-to-one correspondence with $K^*/(K^*)^n$, where $$ n=\begin{cases} 2&\text{if $j(E)\ne0,1728$},\\4&\text{if $j(E)=1728$},\\6&\text{if $j(E)=0$}.\\\end{cases}$$

So for a finite field $K=\mathbb{F}_q$ of characteristic $p\ge5$, in the first case there are always exactly two distinct twists, but for the latter two cases, the number of twists depends on whether $K$ has a fourth root, respectively cube root, of one, or equivalently, on the value of $q\bmod4$, respectively $q\bmod3$.

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