[Math] Isolated conics on a del Pezzo surface

ag.algebraic-geometryalgebraic-surfacesconic sectionsdivisors

Is there anything known about isolated conics in a del Pezzo surface: their number, arrangement, and the corresponding elements of the class group of surface's minimal desingularization? (Isolated means not belonging to a continuous family of conics in the surface.)

A description similar to the one for isolated lines would be of most interest:
"A del Pezzo surface has only finitely many lines. They correspond to curves E such that E^2 = E·K = −1 (so-called -1-curves) on the desingularization."

More specifically, the question is about del Pezzo surfaces of degrees 5 and 6. References not requiring much background in algebraic geometry are greatly appreciated.

[Edit] And if we have a surface in C^3, whose linear normalization is a degree 5 or 6 Del Pezzo surface, can we say anything about isolated conics in this situation?

[Edit2] I have found the following related result in the literature:

"Any surface is a projection from its linear normalization. The projection is birational, and it preserves the degree of the surface and the degree of any curve not contained in the singular locus."

Notice that the conics contained in the singular locus are also interesting for me.

Additional question about surfaces in C^3 still unanswered.

Best Answer

While the number of lines on Del Pezzo surfaces are finite, the number of conics is infinite. More precisely, there are finitely many families $X\to P^1$ whose fibers are plane conics. Let me explain this in more detail.

As you probably know, a degree $d$ Del Pezzo surface $X$ can be realized as the blow-up of $P^2$ in $r=9-d$ points in general position. The Picard group of $X$ has rank $r+1$ and is generated by the classes of the exceptional divisors $E_1,\ldots, E_r$ and $L$ which is the pullback of a general line in $P^2$ via the blow-up morphism $\pi:X\to P^2$. The intersection form on $N^1(X)=\mbox{Pic }X$ is given by $$ E_i\cdot E_j=-\delta_{ij}, \qquad E_i\cdot L=1, \qquad L^2=1. $$Also, the anticanonical class equals $-K=3L-E_1-\ldots-E_r$ in this basis.

If $X$ has degree $\ge 4$, then $-K$ is very ample, and the conics on $X$ correspond precisely to the effective divisor classes such that $$ -K.D=2 \mbox{ and } D^2=0 $$Examples are $L-E_i$ (pullback of a line through the point $p_i$) and $2L-E_1-E_2-E_3-E_4$ (pullback of a conic avoiding $p_5$). Using the AM-GM inequality, one can show that the number of such classes is finite.

In fact it is easy to see that any conic can be written as the sum of two exceptional curves (which form the generators for the effective cone $\overline{NE}(X)$). So $D=E+F$ for some $E,F$ with $E.F=1$. Moreover, using this description, it is not hard to verify that the conic divisors $D$ are even base-point free and so by Riemann-Roch, define morphisms $X\to \mathbb{P}^1$. These morphisms are conic bundles, i.e., every fiber is isomorphic to a plane conic in $X$.

On the other hand, the lines on $X$ correspond to classes satisfying $-K.E=1 \mbox{ and } E^2=-1$ so they don't 'move' in linear systems like the conics do, which explains why their number is finite.

EDIT: There can not be any isolated conics on $X$, since if $D$ is any isolated rational curve, then $D^2<0$ and the adjunction formula implies that $D^2=-1$, so $D$ is an exceptional curve, i.e., a line.

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