[Math] Is the tree of large cardinals linear


Kanamori in the introduction of his book "The Higher Infinite" says:

"The investigation of large cardinal hypotheses is indeed a mainstream of modern set theory, and they have been found to play a crucial role in the study of definable sets of reals, in particular their Lebesgue measurability. Although formulated at various stages in the development of set theory and with different incentives, the hypotheses were found to form a linear hierarchy reaching up to an inconsistent extension of motivating concepts."

My question simply is:

Question: Is the tree of large cardinals linear? Precisely: Are there four large cardinal axioms like $\text{A}, \text{B}, \text{C}, \text{D}$ such that at least one of the following diagrams be true?

enter image description here

Note that in the current tree of large cardinals one can find some diamonds like above diagrams but we usually interpret this phenomenon as "unknown" situation not a possible "incomparablility" between large cardinal axioms. For example note to the following diagram:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Let me just add to Andres excellent answer that The $\Omega$-conjecture of Hugh Woodin implies that all large cardinals are wellordered under the relation "implies the consistency of". This is a major line of investigation in Inner Model Theory. I recommend Woodin's "Suitable extender Models" (the introduction provides motivation to this problem).