Green-Tao Theorem – True for Primes in Arithmetic Progression?

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Ben Green and Terrence Tao proved that there are arbitrary length arithmetic progressions among the primes.

Now, consider an arithmetic progression with starting term $a$ and common difference $d$. According to Dirichlet's theorem(suitably strengthened), the primes are "equally distributed" in each residue class modulo $d$. Therefore we imagine that the Green-Tao theorem should still be true if instead of primes we consider only those positive primes that are congruent to $a$ modulo $d$. That is, Green-Tao theorem is true for primes within a given arithmetic progression.

Question: Is something known about this stronger statement?

Best Answer

The Green-Tao is true for any subset of the primes of positive relative density; the primes in a fixed arithmetic progression to modulus $d$ have relative density $1/\phi(d)$.