[Math] Is the direct image of the structure sheaf on X isomorphic to the structure sheaf on Y when X->Y is flat and proper with connected fibers between smooth schemes over an algebraically closed field


If $f:X \to Y$ is a flat and proper surjective morphism between smooth schemes over an algebraically closed field, and $f$ has connected fibers, does it imply that
$$f`_*\mathcal O_X = \mathcal O_Y?$$

Best Answer

This follows from Zariski's main theorem if the characteristic is zero and it is false in positive characteristics: consider the the morphism $\mathbb{A}^1 \to \mathbb{A}^1$ given by $x \mapsto x^p$ where $p$ is the characteristic. The statement would also be true in char p if you assume that the general fibre is reduced.

(Note that it suffices to assume that X is integral and Y is normal. $f$ should of course also be surjective.)

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