Is the Series Sum of x^n / sqrt(n!) Positive?


Is $$ \sum_{n=0}^\infty {x^n \over \sqrt{n!}} > 0 $$ for all real $x$?
(I think it is.) If so, how would one prove this? (To confirm: This is the power
series for $e^x$, except with the denominator replaced by $\sqrt{n!}$.)

Best Answer

Looks like the computers really spoiled us :)

GH gave a perfectly valid answer already but the cheapest way to prove positivity is to write $\int_0^1(1-t^n)\log(\frac 1t)^{-3/2}\,\frac{dt}t=c\sqrt n$ with some positive $c$ (just note that the integral converges and the integrand is positive, and make the change of variable $t^n\to t$). Hence $\int_0^1 (f(x)-f(xt))\log(\frac 1t)^{-3/2}\,\frac{dt}t=cxf(x)$. If $x$ is the largest zero of $f$ (which must be negative), then plugging it in, we get $0$ on the right and a negative number on the left, which is a clear contradiction. Thus, crossing the $x$-axis is impossible. Of course, there is nothing sacred about $1/2$. Any power between $0$ and $1$ works just as well.

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