[Math] Is rigour just a ritual that most mathematicians wish to get rid of if they could


"No". That was my answer till this afternoon! "Mathematics without proofs isn't really mathematics at all" probably was my longer answer. Yet, I am a mathematics educator who was one of the panelists of a discussion on "proof" this afternoon, alongside two of my mathematician colleagues, and in front of about 100 people, mostly mathematicians, or students of mathematics. What I was hearing was "death to Euclid", "mathematics is on the edge of a philosophical breakdown since there are different ways of convincing and journals only accept one way, that is, proof", "what about insight", and so on. I was in a funny and difficult situation. To my great surprise and shock, I should convince my mathematician colleagues that proof is indeed important, that it is not just one ritual, and so on. Do mathematicians not preach what they practice (or ought to practice)? I am indeed puzzled!

Reaction: Here I try to explain the circumstances leading me to ask such "odd" question. I don't know it is MO or not, but I try. That afternoon, I came back late and I couldn't go to sleep for the things that I had heard. I was aware of the "strange" ideas of one of the panelist. So, I could say to myself, no worry. But, the greatest attack came from one of the audience, graduated from Princeton and a well-established mathematician around. "Philosophical breakdown" (see above) was the exact term he used, "quoting" a very well-known mathematician. I knew there were (are) people who put their lives on the line to gain rigor. It was four in the morning that I came to MO, hoping to find something to relax myself, finding the truth perhaps. Have I found it? Not sure. However, I learned what kind of question I cannot ask!

Update: The very well-known mathematician who I mentioned above is John Milnor. I have checked the "quote" referred to him with him and he wrote

"it seems very unlikely that I said that…".

Here is his "impromptu answer to the question" (this is his exact words with his permission):

Mathematical thought often proceeds from a confused search for what is true to a valid insight into the correct answer. The next step is a careful attempt to organise the ideas in order to convince others.BOTH STEPS ARE ESSENTIAL. Some mathematicians are great at insight but bad at organization, while some have no original ideas, but can play a valuable role by carefully organizing convincing proofs. There is a problem in deciding what level of detail is necessary for a convincing proof—but that is very much a matter of taste.

The final test is certainly to have a solid proof. All the insight in the world can't replace it. One cautionary tale is Dehn's Lemma. This is a true statement, with a false proof that was accepted for many years. When the error was pointed out, there was again a gap of many years before a correct proof was constructed, using methods that Dehn never considered.

It would be more interesting to have an example of a false statement which was accepted for many years; but I can't provide an example.

(emphasis added by YC to the earlier post)

Best Answer

I was not going to write anything, as I am a latecomer to this masterful troll question and not many are likely going to scroll all the way down, but Paul Taylor's call for Proof mining and Realizability (or Realisability as the Queen would write it) was irresistible.

Nobody asks whether numbers are just a ritual, or at least not very many mathematicians do. Even the most anti-scientific philosopher can be silenced with ease by a suitable application of rituals and theories of social truth to the number that is written on his paycheck. At that point the hard reality of numbers kicks in with all its might, may it be Platonic, Realistic, or just Mathematical.

So what makes numbers so different from proofs that mathematicians will fight a meta-war just for the right to attack the heretical idea that mathematics could exist without rigor, but they would have long abandoned this question as irrelevant if it asked instead "are numbers just a ritual that most mathematicians wish to get rid of"? We may search for an answer in the fields of sociology and philosophy, and by doing so we shall learn important and sad facts about the way mathematical community operates in a world driven by profit, but as mathematicians we shall never find a truly satisfactory answer there. Isn't philosophy the art of never finding the answers?

Instead, as mathematicians we can and should turn inwards. How are numbers different from proofs? The answer is this: proofs are irrelevant but numbers are not. This is at the same time a joke and a very serious observation about mathematics. I tell my students that proofs serve two purposes:

  1. They convince people (including ourselves) that statements are true.
  2. They convey intuitions, ideas and techniques.

Both are important, and we have had some very nice quotes about this fact in other answers. Now ask the same question about numbers. What role do numbers play in mathematics? You might hear something like "they are what mathematics is (also) about" or "That's what mathematicians study", etc. Notice the difference? Proofs are for people but numbers are for mathematics. We admit numbers into mathematical universe as first-class citizen but we do not take seriously the idea that proofs themselves are also mathematical objects. We ignore proofs as mathematical objects. Proofs are irrelevant.

Of course you will say that logic takes proofs very seriously indeed. Yes, it does, but in a very limited way:

  • It mostly ignores the fact that we use proofs to convey ideas and focuses just on how proofs convey truth. Such practice not only hinders progress in logic, but is also actively harmful because it discourages mathematization of about 50% of mathematical activity. If you do not believe me try getting funding on research in "mathematical beauty".
  • It considers proofs as syntactic objects. This puts logic where analysis used to be when mathematicians thought of functions as symbolic expressions, probably sometime before the 19th century.
  • It is largely practiced in isolation from "normal" mathematics, by which it is doubly handicapped, once for passing over the rest of mathematics and once for passing over the rest of mathematicians.
  • Consequently even very basic questions, such as "when are two proofs equal" puzzle many logicians. This is a ridiculous state of affairs.

But these are rather minor technical deficiencies. The real problem is that mainstream mathematicians are mostly unaware of the fact that proofs can and should be first-class mathematical objects. I can anticipate the response: proofs are in the domain of logic, they should be studied by logicians, but normal mathematicians cannot gain much by doing proof theory. I agree, normal mathematicians cannot gain much by doing traditional proof theory. But did you know that proofs and computation are intimately connected, and that every time you prove something you have also written a program, and vice versa? That proofs have a homotopy-theoretic interpretation that has been discovered only recently? That proofs can be "mined" for additional, hidden mathematical gems? This is the stuff of new proof theory, which also goes under names such as Realizability, Type theory, and Proof mining.

Imagine what will happen with mathematics if logic gets boosted by the machinery of algebra and homotopy theory, if the full potential of "proofs as computations" is used in practice on modern computers, if completely new and fresh ways of looking at the nature of proof are explored by the brightest mathematicians who have vast experience outside the field of logic? This will necessarily represent a major shift in how mathematics is done and what it can accomplish.

Because mathematicians have not reached the level of reflection which would allow them to accept proof relevant mathematics they seek security in the mathematically and socially inadequate dogma that a proof can only be a finite syntactic entity. This makes us feeble and weak and unable to argue intelligently with a well-versed sociologist who can wield the weapons of social theories, anthropology and experimental psychology. So the best answer to the question "is rigor just a ritual" is to study rigor as a mathematical concept, to quantify it, to abstract it, and to turn it into something new, flexible and beautiful. Then we will laugh at our old fears, wonder how we ever could have thought that rigor is absolute, and we will become the teachers of our critics.