[Math] Is every long exact sequence of homotopy groups induced by a fibration


Is every long exact sequence
with topological spaces $F,E$ and $B$, where $F$ is a subspace of $E$ with inclusion map $i$, induced by a Serre fibration $p:E\to B$ ? By "induced" I mean that the maps in the sequence are given by
and the boundary map

If not, what are the conditions under which this is the case?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Ok, so one counterexample to the other interpretation of the question would be to take a fibration $F\to E\to B'$ And let $B$ be a space with the same homotopy groups as $B'$ but not homotopy equivalent to $B$. Note that $B$ must have at least two non-trivial homotopy groups.

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