[Math] Is every group an ideal class group of a number field


The inverse Galois problem asks whether every finite group appears as the Galois group of some finite extension of $\mathbb Q$. I was wondering to what extent the analogous problem for ideal class groups has been investigated. More precisely, consider the following question:

Is every finite abelian group the ideal class group of some number field (finite extension of $\mathbb Q$)?

I'd be interested to hear about any partial results, as I suppose this question is still open. I'd be also interested in any results about a weaker problem:

Is every positive integer the ideal class number of some number field?

Again, any reference, even to a partial result, will be appreciated.

Best Answer

The recent paper by Homlin, Jones, Kurlberg, McLeman, and Petersen (Experimental Math., to appear) is devoted to these questions especially in the context of imaginary quadratic fields. One should expect that every natural number arises as the class number of an imaginary quadratic field. Refining an earlier conjecture of Soundararajan, in this paper a precise asymptotic is formulated for the number of imaginary quadratic fields with a given class number. They also formulate conjectures on what kind of groups can arise as class groups of imaginary quadratic fields -- for example, one expects that for any odd prime $p$, $({\Bbb Z}/p{\Bbb Z})^3$ is not the class group of any imaginary quadratic field. The paper gives much data on such questions together with many related references.

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