Group G – Decidability from Presentation

We say that a group G is in the class Fq if there is a CW-complex which is a BG (that is, which has fundamental group G and contractible universal cover) and which has finite q-skeleton. Thus F0 contains all groups, F1 contains exactly the finitely generated groups, F2 the finitely presented groups, and so forth.

My question: For a fixed q ≥ 3, is it possible to decide, from a finite presentation of a group G, whether G is in Fq or not? I would assume not, but am not having much luck proving it.

One approach would be to prove that, if G is a group in Fq and H is a finitely presented subgroup, then HFq as well. This would make being in Fq a Markov property, or at least close enough to make it undecidable.

Henry Wilton's comment below makes it clear that being Fq is not even quasi-Markov, so the above idea won't work. I still suspect that "GFq" is not decidable, but now my intuition is from Rice's theorem:

If $\mathcal{B}$ is a nonempty set of computable functions with nonempty complement, then no algorithm accepts an input n and decides whether φn is an element of $\mathcal{B}$.

It seems likely to me that something similar is true of finite presentations and the groups they define.

John Stillwell notes below that this can't be true for a number of questions involving the abelianization of G. This wouldn't affect the Rips construction/1-2-3 theorem discussion below if the homology-sphere idea works, since those groups are all perfect.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

It seems to me that the analogue of Rice's theorem fails for finitely presented groups $G$ because of questions like: is the abelianization of $G$ of rank 3? The rank of the abelianization of any finitely presented $G$ can be computed by reducing the abelianization to normal form, so this (slightly) interesting question can be decided from the presentation of $G$.

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