[Math] Is a non-compact Riemann surface an open subset of a compact one


Let $X$ be a non-compact holomorphic manifold of dimension $1$. Is there a compact Riemann surface $\bar{X}$ suc that $X$ is biholomorphic to an open subset of $\bar{X}$ ?

Edit: To rule out the case where $X$ has infinite genus, perhaps one could add the hypothesis that the topological space $X^{\mathrm{end}}$ (is it a topological surface?), obtained by adding the ends of $X$, has finitely generated $\pi_1$ (or $H_1$ ). Would the new question make sense and/or be of any interest?

Edit2: What happens if we require that $X$ has finite genus? (the genus of a non-compact surface, as suggested in a comment below, can be defined as the maximal $g$ for which a compact Riemann surface $\Sigma_g$ minus one point embeds into $X$)

Best Answer

You should probably check the following article: Migliorini, Luca, "On the compactification of Riemann surfaces". Here is the Mathscinet review about it: "In this paper the author studies some questions concerning the compactifications of Riemann surfaces. It is proved that if $X$ is an open connected Riemann surface then X has finite genus if and only if there exists a holomorphic injection $i: X \hookrightarrow \tilde{X}$ (with $\tilde{X}$ a compact Riemann surface), $i(X)$ being dense in $\tilde{X}$..."

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