[Math] Introduction to representation theory of algebraic groups


This is a very basic and most definitively a naive question but coming from a student it is probably OK.

I am trying to learn representation theory of (linear) algebraic groups and looking for a an easy resource. The books and notes which I have come across start with extensive knowledge of algebraic geometry (which is essential for a comprehensive treatment) but coming from a weak background of mathematics by the time you absorb all that you are exhausted.

I am wondering if there is another way to get into representation theory of algebraic groups without worrying too much about algebraic geometry part. We have tried to go through the famous books (Humphreys, Springer, Borel), although excellent but too much for a beginner only interested in representation theory part to start with.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

I would suggest Procesi's Lie Groups, as a text that introduces algebraic groups with minimal prerequisites. Chapter 7 "Algebraic Groups" is

a quick introduction to algebraic groups. In this chapter I make fair use of notions from algebraic geometry, and I try to at least clarify the statements used, referring to standard books for the proofs. In fact it is impossible, without a rather long detour, to actually develop in detail the facts used. I hope that the interested reader who does not have a background in algebraic geometry can still follow the reasoning developed here.

This is followed by Chapter 8 "Representation Theory",

a first look into the representation theory of various groups with extra structure, such as algebraic or compact groups. We will use the necessary techniques from elementary algebraic geometry or functional analysis, referring to standard textbooks. One of the main points is a very tight relationship between a special class of algebraic groups, the reductive groups, and compact Lie groups.

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