Metric Geometry – Integer-Distance Sets and Open Problems


Let $S$ be a set of points in $\mathbb{R}^d$; I am especially interested in $d=2$.
Say that $S$ is an integer-distance set if every pair of points in $S$ is separated
by an integer Euclidean distance.

What are examples of maximal integer distance sets?
(Maximal: no point can be added while retaining the integer-distance property
between all pairs.)

Of course the lattice points along any one line parallel to a coordinate axis in
$\mathbb{R}^d$ constitute a countably infinite integer-distance set.
What is an example of an infinite integer-distance set of noncollinear points?

I know that Euler established that every circle contains a dense rational-distance set.
Scaling any one circle by a large common denominator provides a rich, but finite integer-distance set. For example, these five points on a circle are all separated by integer
(1221025, 0), (781456, 586092),
(439569, 586092),
(270400, 507000),
(180625, 433500)

I'm sure this is all known… Thanks for enlightening me!

(This is tangentially related to my earlier question,
"Rational points on a sphere in $\mathbb{R}^d$.")

It turns out that determining the integer-distance sets is
fundamentally open.
What is known is nicely summarized by Robert Israel and "Daniel m3."
In particular,
via the Kreisel & Kurz paper,
it is unknown (or was unknown in 2008)
whether or not there exists an 8-point
integer-distance set in $\mathbb{R}^2$,
with no three of the points collinear and no four cocircular.

Also open is a related problem identified by Nathan Dean:
How many non-cocircular integer-distance points can be found on a parabola,
a scaling of $y = x^2$?
Nathan proved there are infinitely many sets of three such points;
Garikai Cambell proved there are infinitely many sets of four such points.
But the existence of five such points seems open.
I just learned the parabola problem from this MSE question.

Update3 (21 Jul 2013).
I ran across this just-published paper, which explores the in-some-sense obverse of the
question I asked: What are the largest point sets in $\mathbb{R}^d$ that
avoid points an integral distance apart.

Kurz, Sascha, and Valery Mishkin. "Open Sets Avoiding Integral Distances." Discrete & Computational Geometry (2013): 1-25. (Springer link)

Update4 (29 Nov 2014). There is a nice article at Dick Lipton's blog
on Ulam's 70-year-old un-resolved conjecture:

If $S$ is an rational-distance set, then it is not dense in the plane.

And that article cites the Kurz-Mishkin paper above.

Best Answer

See e.g. for a proof (originally due to Erdos) that there is no infinite non-collinear integer-distance set in the plane.

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