[Math] How to understand Chern-Simons action


Hi all. The question I have should be a rather simple one, but I just can't think it through.

So the Chern-Simons action reads
S = \int_M {\rm tr} (A\wedge dA + \frac{2}{3} A\wedge A \wedge A)
where $M$ is 3-fold, and similarly for higher dimensional manifold.

Now, my question is:

*since $A$, the connection 1-form is only defined patch by patch, what do we really mean by doing the integration? *

It would be understandable if I write
S = \int_M {\rm tr} \left[(A-A_0)\wedge d(A-A_0) + \frac{2}{3} (A-A_0)\wedge (A-A_0) \wedge (A-A_0)) \right ]
where $A_0$ is some reference connection, since $A-A_0$ is globally defined 1-form valued in ${\rm Lie}G$.

I see that under gauge transformation (or different chart),
CS(A^g) – CS(A) = d\alpha(A,g) + Q(g)
where $Q(g)$ is closed. But I don't know how I can infer the validity of doing the integration from this gauge transformation.

Thank you!

Best Answer

Often in the literature by "Chern-Simons theory" is meant by default $G$-Chern-Simons theory whose gauge group is a connected and simply connected semisimple compact group $G$, such as $G = SU$. In this case it so happens that all $G$-principal bundles on a 3-manifold $\Sigma_3$ are trivializable, and hence one can identify the space of G-principal connections on $\Sigma_3$ just with that of $\mathfrak{g}$-valued differential forms. So one gets away with the naive formula that you recall above.

In stark contrast to this is what may seem to be a simpler example, namely $U(1)$-Chern-Simons theory. Since $U(1)$ is not simply connected, clearly, there are of course non-trivial $U(1)$-principal bundles on $\Sigma_3$, in general, and hence the above naive approach fails, as you notice.

In this case the correct Chern-Simons action is instead obtained this way: given a field configuration $\nabla$ which is a circle-principal connection, we can form its differential cup-product square in ordinary differential cohomology. This yields a $\mathbf{B}^2 U(1)$-principal 3-connection $\nabla \cup \nabla$, often known as a bundle 2-gerbe with connection or else as a degree-4 cocycle in Deligne cohomology. This now has a connection 3-form and hence has a volume holonomy over $\Sigma_3$. And this now is the correct action functional for Chern-Simons theory. For more on this see at nLab:higher dimensional Chern-Simons theory.

Secretly this higher principal connection structure also governs the first, seemingly simpler case. The action functional of Chern-Simons theory is always the volume holonomy of a 3-connection, the Chern-Simons circle 3-connection.

This is in fact the general abstract characterization of Chern-Simons theories and all its higher (and lower) dimensional variants. A Chern-Simons-type action functional is always the volume holonomy of a refinement of a universal characteristic class to ordinary differential cohomology. Further remarks along these lines are for instance in

Domenico Fiorenza, Hisham Sati, Urs Schreiber, A higher stacky perspective on Chern-Simons theory.

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