[Math] How to publish two interdependent papers


I have two finished articles (each about 25 pages long) but the second one uses results from the first one, none of which has been published yet. I would like to send them to some standard journal for consideration but I do not know exactly how to do so. Should I put them up on arxiv, refer back to the first article for the relevent results and send them to the respective journals? Or should I send one at a time? I do not know if this is the right place to ask this question, but I really wanted to get some professional opinion.

Best Answer

Put both papers in the arxiv. Have the second cite the first, if it depends on the first. You may have the first cite the second as a "preprint" as a motivation, if it's useful. This can be updated by re-posting the first paper once you know the "coordinates" (arxiv number) of the second.

If the papers form a clear sequence, you may wish to submit both papers together to the same journal. Explain why you are submitting two papers and their relation to each other in the cover letter. Otherwise submit them separately.