[Math] How to prove that a set of facets are all the facets of a convex polytope.


Say that you know all the vertices of a polytope P, and a set of facet defining hyperplanes that you guess give all the facets of P. What are some good ways to try to prove that the guess is right?

A common idea seems to be to find a way to linearly optimize over the polytope defined by the facets and then show that you always end up in one of the vertices of P. Another type of argument involves the volume of the polytopes. There is also algorithms that involve constructing a simplicial complex of the given data and then compute homology. Are there other common teqniques?

Are there any good ways to prove that the guess is wrong?

Best Answer


The question itself and all answers seem to be "practice-oriented" but as far as the complexity status of the problem is concerned then you are speaking about famous L.Lovasz's "polytope- polyhedron question". Namely, to check whether a polytope given by vertices coincides with a polyhedron given by facets. Note, that the lengths of the vertex and, respectively, the facet descriptions may differ exponentially and thus we should speak about incremental polynomial algorithms. Say, if a polyhedron is given by facets you should find a new vertex in polynomial time with respect to the input and the length of the list of already calculated vertices. In this format the question is still open for (bounded) polytopes but is proved to be NP-hard for (unbounded) polyhedrons (see, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1109640 and references therein)

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