Homological Algebra – How to Make the Category of Chain Complexes into an Infinity-Category


I'd like to have some simple examples of quasi-categories to understand better some concepts and one of the most basic (for me) should be the category of chain complexes.

Has anyone ever written down (more or less explicitly) what the simplicial set corresponding to the quasi-category associated with the category of (say unbounded) chain complexes on an abelian category looks like?

I am not looking for an enhancement of the derived category or anything like this, I'm thinking of the much simpler infinity category where higher morphisms correspond to homotopies between complexes. My understanding is that the derived category should then be constructed as a localization of this $\infty$-category.

I am guessing my problem lies with the coherent nerve for simplicial categories.

Best Answer

As everybody's said, there's an obvious thing to do. As Yosemite Sam cites, it's done in Section 13 of the ArXiv version of DAG I -- you think of chain complexes as enriched over simplicial sets via Dold-Kan, and then apply the nerve construction.

But there's an explicit thing you can do for any dg category, and I find it useful because it's given in terms of formulas. Moreover there's an obvious (if tedious) way to generalize this formula for any $A_\infty$-category so it's a cool thing to know. It's in the latest (February 2012) version of Higher Algebra. Since chain complexes obviously form a dg-category, this explicit method might be what you're looking for in case you want to produce some simplices in your quasi-category.

Specifically, Construction tells you how to get a quasi-category from any dg category. Then Construction 1.3.13 and Remark should convince you that it's equivalent to the "Dold-Kan + Simplicial nerve" construction cited by everybody else. (Lurie summarizes this equivalence in Proposition I would write out the formulas here but I don't want to re-TeX the long discussions. So here's at least a link to the latest Higher Algebra.

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