[Math] How to make a good math research poster for a non-mathematical audience


I have the opportunity to prepare a research poster for a non-mathematical, yet scientifically savvy audience, and I want to do it well. I have asked a few mathematicians, and I have heard the following sound advice:

  • Use interesting graphics.
  • Elaborate on possible applications to other scientific fields.

Although easier for applied mathematicians, this will be ok as I study subfactors, which have connections to quantum physics and statistical mechanics, and planar algebras, which provide great graphics. But there are practical questions as well:

  • How can I use LaTeX to make a poster?
  • How can I avoid using mathematical symbols and technical language?

What makes a good math research poster? What are some good ways to target a non-mathematical audience? Does anyone have examples and/or templates using LaTeX? What other advice would you give a mathematician who has never made a research poster before?

A few asides:

  • I'm not sure if this is community wiki. I'm more than happy to click the box if requested.
  • Feel free to retag this question as you see fit.
  • I will answer my own question after the poster presentation, and I will have all of my materials available online.

Best Answer

For technical question 1 I would recommend beamerposter.