[Math] How to know if somebody else is also working on your problem


Once you have spotted a mathematical problem that (presumably) fits your degree of expertise, whether you are a phd student or an established professor, you have to deal with the following non mathematical problems:

  • How to know if somebody else in the world is already working (or has already been working) on the same problem?

If the other guy has already completed a certain amount of (say, not yet published) work on that specific topic, knowing this would help you to avoid waisting time to try to re-do something that has already been done (at least with the same methods).

On the other hand, if the problem is broad enough, knowing of some other's interest in the same context would also be fruitful because you'd may have somebody with whom to talk and to whom to ask questions, without overlapping the specific research goals. Or you may even find a collaborator.

  • In some cases the very choice of an interesting specific problem can be a nontrivial task by itself. So, in case you want to ask around if some previous/present effort has/is been made in that specific direction or related ones, should you worry about the possibility that somebody with a higher degree of expertise would just "take your problem" and solve it faster than you would do?

I'd expect the obvious answers, such as "have a look to mathscinet/arxiv" or "search the literature" or "talk to people (your advisor if you're phd)", to be enriched -if possible- by some more elaborate viewpoint or more specific suggestion.

Best Answer

As others have indicated, the only 100% effective method of preventing getting "scooped" or finding out that your result already exists in the literature is that of complete abstinence: i.e., not trying to do any research at all.

Obviously this method is far too draconian for most of us on this site. I want to support statements of Gowers and Nielsen: finding out that what you have just proven has already been proven by someone else is far from the worst thing in the world. (Finding out that what you've proven, or published, is false, is much much worse, for instance.) On the contrary, for a mathematician who is making her own way and working on problems of interest to her, if you are doing any good work at all it is inevitable that you will duplicate some past research. This can be very encouraging: when I was younger, I often lacked confidence that some things which were of interest to me were of sufficient interest to anyone else (all I knew at that point was what people near to me were doing).

I remember in particular that as a first year graduate student, I discovered that every profinite group is, up to isomorphism of topological groups, the automorphism group of some Galois extension. This seemed neat but I thought, "Well, if anyone really cared, I would have heard about it before." Wrong -- this result has been published several times; off the top of my head by Leptin and by Waterhouse, but I know this list is not complete -- and in some texts (just not the ones I knew about at the time) it appears with due respect and appreciation. When I found out that someone had written and published a paper containing exactly the same mathematics that I had done, it was very encouraging.