[Math] How to do (m)Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization with integers ? (real life problem) (“mathematicalized reformulation”)

linear algebramatricesna.numerical-analysis

New edition of the question, "mathematicalized" (thanks to Gerhard).

Consider and integer valued n*n matrix M, with integers elements in the range -N < m < N.
I want to find integer-valued approximate orthogonalization of this matrix X.
Means that values of X are integers in the same range and matrix is "close" to the honest Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of initial matrix X_honest.

Is there some bound norm ( X- X_honest) > f( condition(M) ) ?
E.g. it is difficult to solve the problem if original matrix is ill-conditioned.

Is there way to find such matrix in reasonable complexity O(n^3) ?
(and not using sophistaced arithmetical representation of numbers e.g.
emulation of floating point or rational or Chinese remainder theorem is not allowed).

Try to do orthogonalization of these column vectors.
Problem is that the 3-th and 4-th are almost the same.
Is there some nice solution ?
Or some no-go result can be proved that with integers I cannot do this ?
Or I can do it but not within reasonable complexity O(n^3) ?

[ 32768.000000 , 0.000000 , -1424.000000 , -1422.000000 ; …

24219.000000 , 10476.000000 , 3107.000000 , 3109.000000 ; …

-18861.000000 , -22098.000000 , 32768.000000 , 32768.000000 ; …

-20462.000000 , 32768.000000 , 3939.000000 , 3940.000000 ];

More details.
The processing units used in fast or low-energy computing devices like mobile phones, GPS, signal processors do not support floating point arithmetics.
I.e. they can work we integers e.g. -2^15 <= m <2^15-1
And when you do multiplication of such two must truncate result back to this region
before you can do any other operation.

The task is do Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
of a matrix on such device.
When I do it I see that resulting vectors are far from orthogonal
Matrix of normalized scalar products is the following:

1.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.1764

0.0000    1.0000    0.0000    0.5667

0.0000    0.0000    1.0000    0.4438

0.1764    0.5667    0.4438    1.0000

Is there some nice way to cure the problem or no ?
I would prefer that complexity (i.e. number of operations) is not much bigger that in standard algorithm. i.e. O(n^3).

Best Answer

Well, if your microprocessors can handle fixed point arithmetic then here is a matlab commercial that should do it: http://www.mathworks.com/products/fixed/demos.html?file=/products/demos/shipping/fixedpoint/cordicqr_demo.html

Gram-Schmidt is not numerically stable even when you can use floating point so my guess is that you will have many problems if you stay that course.

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