[Math] How to cite a MathSciNet review


I want to cite a MathSciNet review. Is there a standard format for that? (I couldn't find anything)

Best Answer

Mathematical Reviews can be cited like any other journal, with a review number instead of volume and page numbers:

J. Smith. Review of the article “Regular doodads are widgits” by J. Doe. Mathematical Reviews 123456 (2009).

@article {review,
    AUTHOR = {Smith, J.},
    TITLE = {Review of the article ``{R}egular doodads are widgits'' by {J}. {D}oe},
    JOURNAL = {Mathematical Reviews},
    VOLUME = {123456},
    YEAR = {2009},
    ISSN = {0025-5629},
    URL = {https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=123456},