[Math] How many models of Peano arithmetic are isomorphic to the standard model and how many models of Peano arithmetic are non-standard


I am currently writing a paper on non-standard models of Peano arithmetic and I am having trouble finding references or information that discuss the relative sizes of how many models of Peano arithmetic there are in the standard and the non-standard cases.

I see it quoted all over the place that, "It is familiar that there are continuum-many pairwise non-isomorphic countable models of $\mathsf{PA}$". From this I take it that there are $\mathcal{c}$-many ($\aleph$-many) non-standard models of Peano arithmetic. Where can I find a proof of this fact? How many models of Peano arithmetic are there that are isomorphic to the standard model?

Thank you!

Best Answer

Here is another way to do it.

By the Gödel-Rosser theorem, there are continuum many distinct consistent completions of PA. One can see this by building a tree of finite extensions of PA, using the Gödel-Rosser theorem at each node to branch with the Rosser sentence or its negation relative to that theory (and also deciding the $n^{\rm th}$ sentence), so that every branch through the tree is a complete consistent extension of PA. Every such consistent completion of PA has a countable model. Since different complete theories cannot have isomorphic models, you get continuum many non-isomorphic countable model of PA.

(Meanwhile, Andreas's answer applies not just to PA, but to any fixed theory, and so in fact, the compactness argument he mentions shows that each of these continuum many extensions of PA has continuum many non-isomorphic models.)