[Math] How many edge-disjoint cycles of length 3 are in the complete graph

algorithmscyclesgraph theory

A couple of questions related to edge-disjoint cycles.

Let $K_n = (V,E)$ be the complete graph on $|V|=n$ nodes. Two cycles are 'edge disjoint' if they do not share any edges.

  • What is the size of the largest collection of edge-disjoint cycles of length 3 in Kn?

  • Consider a spanning tree sub-graph of $K_n$ (so any spanning tree on $n$ nodes). Is there an efficient algorithm for adding $c$ edges such that each edge creates a cycle of length 3 and is edge-disjoint with all other cycles added?

Any references or ideas would be greatly appreciated!


Best Answer

The maximum number of edge-disjoint triangles in a complete graph is determined by:

Joel Spencer. Maximal consistent families of triples. J. Combinatorial Theory, 5 1968 1–8.

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