[Math] How does one go about finding real/complex irreducible and faithful representations of PSL(2,7)


It is well known that PSL(2,7) contains 168 elements. I'm looking for a method of obtaining irreducible representations (the matrices, not just the character table) which as implied by the title are:
1) over the real or complex fields
2) faithful, i.e. isomorphic to PSL(2,7)

I'd prefer an analytic expression for such matrices if this is possible.

Can the question be answered for the more general case of PSL(2,p), p prime, or even the more ambitious PSL(n,p)?


Best Answer

The irreducible character degrees for this group have degree $1,3,3,6,7,8$.

  • To get the degree $8$ irreducible, induce a non-trivial linear character of the Sylow $7$-normalizer (a Frobenius group of order $21$).
  • To get the degree $7$ irreducible, induce a non-trivial linear character of either of the maximal parabolics isomorphic to $S_4$.
  • To get the degree $6$ irreducible, induce the trivial character of either of the parabolics isomorphic to $S_{4},$ obtaining an orthogonal representation. Then take the orthogonal complement of the $1$-dimensional fixed-point space.
  • To get one of the two $3$-dimensional representations, induce a non-trivial linear character of the Sylow $7$-subgroup. The already constructed (unitary) $8$-dimensional representation shows up, as does the $6$-dimensional (unitary) repesentation and the $7$-dimensional unitary irreducible representation. Take the orthogonal complement of the sum of these. This gives a $3$-dimensional unitary representation. Take the dual of that as well, and you have all (non-trivial) irreducible representations, up to equivalence.

Later edit: Note that for the irreducible characters of degree $6,7$ and $8$ the representations above may be explicitly given as real representations. The degree $8$ representation requires a little further thought. If we induce the trivial character from a Sylow $2$-subgroup, the $8$-dimensional irreducible character occurs with multiplicity $1$, the trivial character occurs once, the $7$-dimensional irreducible character does not occur, the $6$-dimensional character occurs once and the two three dimensional character each occur once. Since the permutation representation is realized over $\mathbb{R},$ it follows that the $8$-dimensional representation may be realized over the real field.

The two $3$-dimensional representations do not have real characters. To obtain a real representation of their sum, do the last procedure instead with a real irreducible two dimensional orthogonal representation of the Sylow $7$-subgroup (which is just as group of real rotations): two copies of each of the $6,7$ and $8$ degree real orthogonal representations show up, so take the orthogonal complement of their sum, obtaining an orthogonal representation of degree $6$ which is irreducible as a real representation, but not a complex representation.