[Math] Homotopy commutativity of the cup product


Where can I find explicit formulas for the higher homotopies, which exhibit the cup product (in singular simplicial cohomology, say) as homotopy commutative on the cochain level? Same question in Cech cohomology.

Best Answer

Such homotopies are given by the $\smile_i$-products. Steenrod gives explicit formulas, IIRC, in [Steenrod, N. E. Products of cocycles and extensions of mappings. Ann. of Math. (2) 48, (1947). 290--320. MR0022071], but the easiest is to prove they exist using acyclic models.

(Maybe Steenrod only deals with $\mathbb Z_2$ coefficients? I don't have access to the paper now :( )