[Math] Homology generated by lifts of simple curves


Let $\Sigma$ be a compact connected oriented surface and $p:\tilde{\Sigma}\to\Sigma$ a finite regular cover.

Consider the set $\Gamma$ of simple closed curves on $\tilde{\Sigma}$ obtained as a connected component of $p^{-1}(\gamma)$ where $\gamma$ is a simple curve in $\Sigma$.

My question is: is it true that $\Gamma$ generates $H_1(\tilde{\Sigma},\mathbb{Z})$ and if not, can we identify the subspace it generates?

Best Answer

As far as I know, this is open.

In fact, I think the following weaker question is open.

Let $\Theta$ be the set of loops $\gamma$ in $\widetilde \Sigma$ such that the image of $\gamma$ in $\Sigma$ is not a filling curve. If $\Sigma$ is not a pair of pants, is $H_1(\widetilde \Sigma ; \mathbb{Z})$ generated by $\Theta$?

This weaker statement would give a new proof of the congruence subgroup problem for the mapping class group of a genus two surface (which is a theorem of Boggi).

I don't know the answer even when $\Sigma$ is the 5-punctured sphere. I do know that if $\Sigma$ is the 5-punctured sphere, then the answer to the weak question is yes provided the deck group is generated by a subgroup carried by an embedded pair of pants.

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